Origins: Village Values
Three sisters, Onjena Yo, Coach TJ and Rynaidrosa, created Village Values as an artistic platform to foster self-discovery and the rediscovery of our shared humanity. To achieve this, we’ve created online slam books (1, 2, 3), collaborative art exhibits, a comic strip, ¡Viva! ¡Sip!, and design series… centered on themes of discovery, empowerment and compassion.
We asked our village heart, Tay Tay, what “village values” meant to her 7-year-old self. She responded:
View more responses on #VillageValues
Our Design Series
The questions behind our design series: Who are you? Where do you belong? How do you relate to others? How do you contribute?
Our Slam Books
Where our design series communicate our understanding of identity and solidarity, our slam books record community interpretations of these themes.
With the creation of Village Values, we’ve returned to our center, our heart, to create the world we want to thrive in. Thank you for learning about our journey. #VillageValues #OurWorldOurHeart
What does “#VillageValues” mean to you?