Earth Day: April 22: Happy bEARTHday!
Origins of Earth Day Holiday
Earth Day is a yearly event celebrated on April 22nd to take action to protect our environment for future generations.
Earth Day began in the 1960s when people in the United States began to care more about the environment. The idea for the holiday came after a big oil spill near Santa Barbara, California, in 1969. U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson and activist Denis Hayes organized the first Earth Day on April 22, 1970, to get people involved in protecting the environment. Now, Earth Day is celebrated around the world with many activities to help our planet. Learn More
Red New Deal
During a campus visit, activist, scholar and member of the Ojibwe tribe, Winona LaDuke spoke about when America was great: when “there were 8,000 varieties of corn, and those 8,000 varieties didn't come from Monsanto…. when 50 million buffalo roamed the plains living on 250 species of grass, some grass varieties with 8-foot roots that helped hold the soil in place, and could have helped prevent the Dust Bowl during the Great Depression.” Today, many do not like to drink from our taps, let alone from our rivers and streams.
Some have championed the Green New Deal and its transitions to renewable energy, green infrastructure, environmental justice and market solutions to shepherd the country and the world into a brighter sustainable future. Some believe market mechanisms are the cause of our current state therefore cannot be relied upon as solutions to solve our climate crisis. The Red New Deal leans heavily on centralized government planning and principles of respect for nature, interconnectedness, stewardship and collaboration, consistent with many Native American customs and traditions. Red or Green, a sustainable future requires us to continue to learn from each other. Learn More
Related Say ¿Qué? Designs: Top Spoken Language
Just think, 60-70% of the world speaks one of the top ten languages of the world (English, Mandarin/Cantonese, Hindi, Spanish, French, Arabic, Bengali, Portuguese, Russian, Urdu, and Swahili). What better start to collaborate in our communities than learning each others language! #TopTenSpokenWorld #OurWorldOurHeart #VillageValues.
Kindness for each other, all living things and our planet seems kind of fundamental. Earth Day teaches us how to improve on our substantiality practices every day. Learn More
Rainbows symbolize hope, joy, beauty, renewal, luck, brighter futures, divine intervention and blessings in many cultures around our world. Have you heard of the “double rainbow” by rainbow enthusiast Paul "Bear" Vasquez. Experience pure joy.
Tree (Listed by Most Planted)
Countries that have planted the most trees (as of 2022):
China: 2.4 Billion
India: 2.15 Billion
Ethiopia: 1.73 Billion
Pakistan: 1.0 Billion
Mexico: 789 Million
Turkey: 711 Million
Peru: 647 Million
Nigeria: 627 Million
Kenya: 535 Million
United States: 316 Million
Ghana: 221 Million
Source: Trees Down Under
By safeguarding ocean ecosystems from pollution, overfishing, habitat destruction, and other human-made threats, we can help ensure that oceans continue to play their vital role in mitigating climate change and sustaining life on Earth. Learn More
As an “indicator species,” 'the health of bees is intimately connected to the health of our planet's ecosystems, agricultural systems, and food security. Learn More
The continent of Antarctica hosts the largest populations and the greatest diversity of penguin species. Learn More
Reforestation efforts are driven by governments, conservation organizations, corporate initiatives, community initiatives and individuals. Four people recognized for their reforestation efforts include:
Wangari Maathai (Kenya)
Jadav Payeng (India)
Antoine Moses (Canada)
Ken Chaplin (Canada)
Polar Bear
While polar bears were reclassified from “endangered” to “threatened,” they continue to face significant challenges to their survival,, primarily due to ongoing climate change. Learn More
“We don't inherit the earth, we borrow it from our children.” ~ Chief Seattle. Learn More
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Some suggest that a vegan lifestyle can reduce one’s carbon footprint by up to 50-60%. Learn More
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