#OurPatriotism Profile: Korean & Black American: Coach TJ
The #OurPatriotism project highlights community members exploring the meaning of patriotism. Our next profile is of co-founder of Village Values, one of three sisters, Coach TJ.
Korean & Black American, Blasian: Coach TJ
A life-long student turned teacher-coach. I like to feed others and be fed, facts and food.
My Ancestry
*Includes countries/regions from my ancestry (DNA) profile.
#OurPatriotism Profile
I. Where Are You From?
BORN: Texas, United States
RAISED: Texas, Ohio, South Carolina, United States
VISITED: South Korea, Australia, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, St. Croix, Ecuador and 36/50 U.S. states
IDENTIFY AS: Black, Korean American, Blasian, Koregro
MISTAKEN AS: Hawaiian, Filipino, Native American, Latina (Mexican), Samoan
LANGUAGE(S) SPOKEN: English, Learning Spanish, Korean & American Sign Language (ASL)
II. What are your faves?
Comfort: TTeok guk (떡국) (rice cake soup), tteok pokki (떡볶이) (spicy rice cake), mul naengmyeon (물냉면) (cold noodle soup), kim chi (김치) (kimchi), greens, mac & cheese, fried catfish
Celebration: Kalbi (갈비) (marinated beef short ribs), Sushi, Bacalao (Cape Verde), spring roll (Vietnamese) with my Mom’s special spicy pineapple sauce and Thai peanut sauce, moi moi and fufu (Nigerian)
Convenience: Ramen/ramyun (라면) (Korean) with eggs OR rice mixed with butter and soy sauce, dried seaweed, mackerel, kim chi, pastrami lunch meat, pot pie (Banquet brand)
MUSIC: Motown catalog, 90s Hip Hop & R&B, Gospel, Sade, Lauryn Hill, Erykah Badu
MOVIE: Marvel/The Avenger movies, Princess Bride, anything starring Keanu Reeves
TV SHOW: Abbott Elementary, Call the Midwife, Alchemy of Souls, Bluey, Star Trek (most series), Law and Order: Special Victims Unit (SVU)
BOOK: Bible, Elephant & Piggie series by Mo Willems, Harry Potter series, Game of Thrones series, Illusions by Richard Bach
SPORTS TEAM: Pittsburgh Steelers
BOARD/CARD/VIDEO GAME: Boggle, Brain Yoga, giant UNO, chess
HOLIDAY: Christmas and Thanksgiving
FLOWER: Hot lips, daisies, roses
ANIMAL: Elephants, turtles, penguins, seals
III. Share a cherished tradition, fable or advice.
Always be open and willing to learn or try something new… skill, food. Seek to understand before being understood.
IV. Share a funny misunderstanding or dispel/explain a stereotype.
Right before my volleyball game began, a referee asked me if I was Albanian and I first thought, “Well, that’s a first.” I responded, “No, I’m Black and Korean.” A few minutes later, I realized he was asking if I was from the city of Albany, which I am not either.
V. Share an experience of being excluded or unwelcome or of culture shock (personal or witnessed) and what you learned.
In my first year teaching Spanish in Texas, my students were griping about studying a second language. One student said, “I’m white, I speak American.” Another student said, “I’m Black, I don’t speak Mexican.” A third student said, “I’m Mexican, this ain’t Spanish.”
VI. Share the kindest thing someone has done for you.
My Unni (big sister) homeschooled my daughter for two years, with no teaching experience, just guided by love and curiosity.
My brother always considers if or what my daughter and I have eaten for breakfast, lunch, dinner and treats! He remembers our faves and finds ways to enhance our eating experience.
When my Mom was in Albany, she packed my lunch and cooked a warm and healthy breakfast for me, her forever-baby.
In college, Dad would surprise me with Snapple peach tea, Annie’s Hot Fries and Funions in BULK. He would bring it to my job. This was from 1998-2000. I looked crazy carrying my party-box-for one. My co-workers were jealous.
A teacher-friend gave me three plants that she claimed were impossible to unalive after I told her I wanted to be good with plants like my Mom.
Once my students learn that I love a particular dish, they bring me some whenever their family cooks it.
I’m not going to lie, I struggle with the cold weather in Albany. Maybe that’s why my loved ones likes to bring me warm food. I also love all things miniature!
VII. What are you most proud of (personally and/or collectively)?
I’m proud of being a mom and being a teacher-coach.
VIII. What do you miss most about “home”? What is the first thing you do when you return home?
My Mom’s smell. First thing I do is get my head scratched by my Mom.
IX. How can the community support you? Where can they find you online?
Share Village Values. Have conversations and lift others.
I am on Twitter/X (@village_values) and Instagram (@village_values) and TikTok (@village.values).
X. “Beyond symbolism and celebration, #OurPatriotism means solidarity.” What does patriotism mean to you?
Patriotism is just belonging to something more powerful than yourself.
*Is there anything else you would like to share?
Kindness transcends politics.
Nominate a Patriot
Nominate a patriot in your community to be featured in #OurPatriotism project!
Thank you [Xièxiè (谢谢), Dhanyavaad (धन्यवाद), Gracias, Merci, Shkran lak (شكرًا لك), Dhan'yabāda (ধন্যবাদ), Obrigado, Spasibo (Спасибо), Shukriya (شکریہ), Asante) for reading! #OurWorldOurHeart #VillageValues