Happy Valentine’s Day!
Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
We hope you find a heart
in everything too.
For all aspiring polyglots seeking to spread love, we present “love” translated into the top ten languages spoken in the world:
Love [English]
Ài (爱) [Mandarin]
Pyaar (प्यार) [Hindi]
Amor [Spanish]
Amour [French]
Hub (حُبّ) [Arabic]
Bhālōbāsā (ভালোবাসা) [Bengali]
Amor [Portuguese]
Lyubov' (любовь) [Russian]
Mohabbat (محبت) [Urdu]
Upendo [Swahili]
Thank you [Xièxiè (谢谢), Dhanyavaad (धन्यवाद), Gracias, Merci, Shkran lak (شكرًا لك), Dhan'yabāda (ধন্যবাদ), Obrigado, Spasibo (Спасибо), Shukriya (شکریہ), Asante) for reading!