Duolinguistic Streak Society: 365 Day Milestone by Sister #3!
Today, I, Onjena Yo, have joined the one year club of the elite Duolingo Streak Society, finally joining my two sisters. When I announced that I was nearing this milestone, a version of the story in our ¡Viva! ¡Sip! comic below played out. At least, that’s how I’m telling it. Kikikiki!
¡Viva! ¡Sip! 008: Duolinguistics
I mean, some of us did not need “streak freezes” to achieve our milestones, but I do not want to continue THAT passive-aggressive streak... [INSERT SIDE EYE]. The real MVP is Miss TJ (aka Coach Wilkes) who uses the Duolingo language learning app to supplement her high school Spanish curriculum. She even manages to incorporate American Sign Language (ASL) into her lessons! ¡Qué genial!
Beginning with the top ten most spoken languages in the world, in our Say ¿Qué? design series, we translated lists of words centered on love, family, peace and solidarity. Each design includes heart-shaped flags that provide a hint to the underlying language. Below are some of our favorites.
Polyglot (World)
To be considered a polyglot, proficiency in four languages is the widely accepted benchmark. Back to the books for the bilinguals and trilinguals!
If one were to learn the top ten spoken languages, one would be able to communicate with nearly 70% of the world!
English <♡> Mandarin <♡> Hindi <♡> Spanish <♡> French <♡> Arabic <♡> Bengali <♡> Portuguese <♡> Russian <♡> Urdu <♡> Swahili
Achoo (World)
I actually know someone who sounds like they sneeze in Swahili: PCHIII!
Meow (New York)
One of these onomatopoeias is not like the others. South Korea, we have questions… YA-ONG? Our mother recorded herself saying the Korean onomatopoeia, and in reality, she did sound like a cat. Learn something mew every day.
Woof (World)
I think we need to record native speakers saying these onomatopoeias to fully understand the sounds. Perhaps variations in size/breed impact the onomatopoeia? What do you think?
Thank you [Xièxiè (谢谢), Dhanyavaad (धन्यवाद), Gracias, Merci, Shkran lak (شكرًا لك), Dhan'yabāda (ধন্যবাদ), Obrigado, Spasibo (Спасибо), Shukriya (شکریہ), Asante) for reading! #OurWorldOurHeart #VillageValues